Purpose Statement

American Education and Policy exist for the purpose of challenging the status quo, for improving the quality of instruction, training, or study, currently established for acquiring skills, enabling citizens to reason and make mature intellectual judgments needed for competing in the global economy; regardless of race, ethnicity, or socioeconomic status.

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Helps for the Music Educator


Knowledge is power, and after over 25 years of teaching public school while serving urban communities as a music educator, I believe I have been granted power through wisdom, knowledge, and reasonble understanding, about teaching music in the K-8 settings.  Although I believe that one should never stop learning and personally sharpening ones abilities in the subject area one has mastered; one should also be alert, and expecting that refreshing experience will occur as one will also be able to add to one’s own body of knowledge. 

Evidences from my experience as an educator are that knowledge changes, policies change, curriculums change, standards change, administrations change, schools change, and educators are moved and changed leaving the field of education with the appearance of being uncertain and often unstable. Changing authorities and approaches elicit one's wise responses to the changes in education as to avoid becoming indifferent to change. One's own philosophy then guides the path as the inpetus and motivation for the educator in the midst of change.  This philosophy will guide as one determines to operate within the realms of ones convictions, while alleviating some of the frustrations that accompany uncertainties for the educator.

I respect serving in a valued autonomous learning environment as this environment fosters growth as one develops skills for aligning and designing one’s curriculum  reflecting the students one educates. I believe that autonomy helps to promote one’s own craft as a facilitator able to select skills and knowledge believed most valuable to one’s students.  Educators who do not posess the freedom to design or craft units of learning are often devoid the full joy of teaching, as teaching then is no longer an art but has become a rigid system with restaints where teachers and students cannot be free to think critically.

Because the Internet has profoundly affected the lives of students in the K-8 settings, one cannot ignore the era in which our music students live. Different ways of learning within the music education classroom in the K-8 setting must undoubtedly be research-based and relevant, reflecting the interest of the students if we will have active learners. This means educators must be sensitive to facts that students are exposed to youtube, itunes, Pandora, Spotify, and other music listening sites daily. Therefore the music classroom cannot abandon current and relevant music of the day. One must make difficult choices relevant for the educational setting and the music classroom.

As iron sharpens iron, through this blog, I wish to provide for you a rare opportunity. I believe music educators have extreme power in schools but often lack forums for discussing many of the necessary choices relevant to music education. Therefore, the next few blog posts will provide helps for the music educators, to help with making sound choices, while not compromising one’s philosophies nor the researched educational advantages for the music curriculum in the K-8 setting. Stay tuned as I seek to provide "helps for the music educator".


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