Purpose Statement

American Education and Policy exist for the purpose of challenging the status quo, for improving the quality of instruction, training, or study, currently established for acquiring skills, enabling citizens to reason and make mature intellectual judgments needed for competing in the global economy; regardless of race, ethnicity, or socioeconomic status.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

School Closures

My thoughts about the school closings in urban areas are that we must first be better discerners of who is placed in public office, as they are empowered to make major decisions that effect our families. One's integrity should be the top qualifications for elected officilas as we often are led by corrupt people. These people do not represent our moral values but are merely popular and often in the public eye and unfortunately gain the advantage to get elected. How did the school system get in such a mess? I say mismanagement and greed! Why do prisons take priority? I say greed, personal agendas, and lack of real concern for the people! On Friday, my students asked me what they can do to make a difference in the decisions for the proposed budget cuts and I asked them "what did Martin Luther King do?" I believe that what is going on is not racism as much as it is classism. Subburban rich and white districts are not experiencing these problems as they would not tolerate jeopardizing the futres of their children. The ones to be effected need everyone to help them as their futures are at stake. I have never been to prison but see prison as a world someone has created for the undesirables. This world has walls, strict laws and limited freedoms or rights. The world is not one that the inmates necessarily chose but are often victims as a result of the circumstances they were given. When I see some of my students with the many issues and problems they face, it is often overwhelming as the foundations that were laid for me as a child through my parents were not the same foundations given to these children. The moral fibre of society is changing drastically and we are beginning to see the consequences. Urban children are like prey to those who benefit from these money making prison centers. Shame!!! God Bless America!!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

American leaders have constantly substantiated their platform as individuals concerned for the the education of Americans. What we see in our school dsitrict across the country does not reflect a nation concerned for education as educational budgets are being cut and particularly urban public schools are being threatened by closures. What is the priority?