Purpose Statement

American Education and Policy exist for the purpose of challenging the status quo, for improving the quality of instruction, training, or study, currently established for acquiring skills, enabling citizens to reason and make mature intellectual judgments needed for competing in the global economy; regardless of race, ethnicity, or socioeconomic status.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

African American Leaders Speak Out

I have been wondering when Reverend Jesse Jackson would speak out concerning the accusations against our President Barach Obama. Donald Trump has climbed to the top of the republican vote with lies about President Obama's birthplace. He says President Obama is not an American. I say, Ludicrous! Why won't Donald Trump talk about real issues like education or the budget; issues that affect people.


  1. The "birther" movement has turned a blind eye to the documentation. It's known that President Obama has provided the required certificates. The following link provides another opportunity for doubters to recognize and drop this issue. However, as in times past the lynch mob mentality fuels its hatred with any lie that provides an excuse to attempt to destroy the targeted African American.

  2. Hi Wyman, The news clipping you shared is quite revealing!! As the founder of the movement said about the presentation of President Obama's birth certificate; "that should end it." Now maybe Donald Trump will have to discuss real issues. I believe that the education of our young people and educational policies like Race to the Top and No Child Left Behind remain good starting places for political discussions. They are at least in the top five priorities for improving the future of American young people.

  3. The raging attacks signify the ills remaining within the cumulative psyche of AmeriKKKa.
